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What is Mobile Advertising?
As technology has evolved over the last three decades, so too has the world of advertising evolved. Within the last ten years, this joint evolution has given rise to mobile advertising. In a world where customers spend a large amount of their time on their...
What is a Conversion Funnel?
A conversion funnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a term used to describe the different stages of a buyer’s journey until taking a desired action (i.e. conversion). It is the job of every business owner, whether they hire outside help or do the work in-house, to...
5 Effective Ways to Use Videos on Your Website
This month, we’ve already discussed the reasons why you should consider incorporating videos into your website. Videos can help you to share a story, keep visitors on your website longer, build customer trust, and more. But how and where should you add videos to your...
What is a Digital Agency & What Can They Do For My Business?
There are two different ways that businesses can handle digital marketing campaigns. They can either hire an in-house team to handle the day-to-day tasks of campaign building and maintenance, or they can hire a digital agency to handle everything for them. Some...
5 Reasons You Should Consider Using a Video on Your Website
You’ve hired a company, worked with them for weeks, and ended up with a beautiful new website. It’s performed well, and you’ve been happy with the results – yet you’re still looking for an extra something to help boost your quality score and rankings even higher. If...
7 Content Marketing Metrics You Should be Monitoring
Whether you have an existing content marketing campaign or are considering adding one, monitoring your metrics is key to your campaign’s success. Metrics aren’t just arbitrary percentages and ratios – they tell you whether or not you’re getting enough return on the...
3 Tactics You Should Utilize for Facebook Ads in 2022
For many businesses, taking the plunge into Facebook advertising can be a hit-or-miss endeavor. If you don’t have any experience with social ads, there is a very real risk of wasting ad dollars on campaigns that don’t perform well. But with the help of an experienced...
What is Content Marketing?
When it comes to cost-effective marketing tactics, it's hard to beat content marketing, especially if you are trying to build brand awareness or a larger audience. Content marketing refers to the distribution of content via channels like your business’s website, email...
What Are Social Display Ads?
If you ask most business owners about display ads, most will automatically think of the type that are run on the Google display network. But there is another option available as well: social display ads. Companies both large and small should be seriously considering...
7 Things Customers Want to See on a Small Business Website
Show customers your personality with a few easy-to-implement small business website techniques. When it comes to promoting your small business, you’ve hopefully already put time, effort, and an appropriate monetary investment into your website. You may have even...