Why Businesses Need To Take Advantage Of Social Media

Feb 10, 2023 | Social Media

Why should businesses take advantage of social media? It should be a no-brainer when you take into account that there are over 4.2 billion active social users across the world today. If you’re not using social media as a part of your digital marketing strategy, you’re missing out on an inexpensive & effective way to reach a wide array of potential customers or clients.  

Let’s look at some of the most important ways that utilizing social channels can help you connect with your target audience, engage with customers, and grow your business.

Your customers are probably active on social media. 

No matter what industry you’re in, there is a very good chance that your customers are active on social media. What’s more, it is becoming increasingly common for users to base purchasing decisions on information they glean from social channels. Failing to have a social presence means potential customers won’t be able to find you and may find your competitors instead. Speaking of which….

Your competition is probably on social media. 

In today’s market, it’s likely that at least some, if not most, of your competitors are on social media. If your business isn’t, that means your competitors are courting customers that you have no ability to reach. You could be missing out on a lot of potential leads, as well as the advantage of having another avenue for people to leave positive reviews and recommendations. And if your competition is not on social channels, you’re in a unique position to get ahead of them. 

It’s an easy way to get seen by new people. 

Perhaps the most powerful aspect of utilizing social media is that it gives your company the ability to be discovered by hundreds or thousands of new people every month. While every company has its ideal customer profile, there are always outliers that don’t necessarily tick all of your boxes – and may miss out on other advertising tactics. 

It’s a great way to keep your existing customer base interested. 

Social media isn’t just for being seen by new people – it can also help you keep existing customers interested in what you have to offer. Courting repeat business is one of the cornerstones of successful business practices. Having active social channels can help you stay relevant by reminding people why you’re better than the competition.

A social media presence reinforces your branding. 

As a business owner, you’ve certainly done some type of marketing – if not dozens – to grow it. With today’s technologically-savvy customers, it pays to have both an offline and an online brand presence. Even if your business has a very strong offline presence, it still pays to build up an online presence as well. Leveraging social media to build an online presence helps to reinforce and showcase your reputation to a new audience, and to reach people who may not otherwise find you.

Want Expert Advice on Building a Social Media Presence? Contact GCW

If you’re interested in learning more about how to build a strong social media presence, we are here to help! With over 25 years of experience in managing all types of digital marketing & design. Our staff consists of highly-trained web design and digital marketing professionals who are both passionate about their jobs and excel at what they do. Contact us today to book a consultation with our team. We look forward to outlining exactly how we can help you grow your business with our digital media agency services.