How to Build the Best Facebook Business Page

May 21, 2021 | Social Media

With nearly 2 billion daily users worldwide, Facebook is still one of the most popular social media platforms in use today. A whopping 78 percent of users say that they have discovered a new product or service on Facebook, making it one of the most relevant places that a business can advertise online. 

Having a Facebook Business page doesn’t just give you an additional advertising avenue – it also presents you with a unique way to engage with your audience. You can monitor consumer sentiment, provide customer service, get the word out about updates or new offerings, and nurture new leads. Before you can do any of that, however, you need to have your page set up properly. Let us walk you through the steps of creating the best and most effective Facebook Business page possible.

Login to or Sign-up for Facebook

The very first step is obvious: you need a Facebook account. If you have an existing personal Facebook account, you can use this to create your page. You can also opt to create an entirely new account to keep your personal and professional pages separate. 

Once you are logged in, simply go to You will be prompted to select what type of page you want to create, be it a business, brand, public figure, etc. Once you click on Get Started, you will be asked to fill in some basic information. This will include:

  • Page Name: Your business or brand name.
  • Business Category: Facebook has many different options. If you fall between two or more, pick the one that is the most relevant.
  • Description: This is simply a brief description of what you do, and what services or products you offer.

Once you fill this out, click Continue. This means that you are accepting the terms of Facebook Pages, so make sure to read through these beforehand to be sure you are familiar with any rules associated with your industry.

Upload a Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Having a profile picture and cover photo are a must for any Facebook Business page. These are the main visuals for your page, and give users a first impression of your brand. Your profile photo can be your logo, or another photo that represents your business. The cover photo should also represent your business, whether it be a photo of your products, your store location, etc. Make sure that you adhere to Facebook’s dimension requirements to avoid your photos being cropped and possibly displaying inaccurately. Once your photos are uploaded, your page will be published automatically.

Enter Your Business Information

Having photos and basic information isn’t enough to make your page stand out. Next, you’ll need to add more detailed content. A Facebook Business page has quite a few different content sections that you need to fill in, which includes:

  • About: Typically four or five sentences long, your About section should include a short and concise summary of what your business does. It should be written with the intent of driving leads, as it is often the first thing that users see when they visit your page.
  • Contact Information: Your contact information is vital for users to be able to contact you outside of Facebook. This can include your email, phone number, or website.
  • Location: If you have a brick-and-mortar store, make sure to include your address here. If you are an online-only business, you can just put your city and state.
  • Hours of Operation: Your hours of operation allow users to know when they can expect to get a hold of you.
  • Username: When you create your page, Facebook will automatically assign you a random numbered URL. You should instead create your own unique username. This makes it much easier for people to find your page. Make sure not to get too creative with it; it should be as close as possible to your business or brand name.

Add a CTA Button to Your Page

All Facebook Business pages have a CTA button featured at the top right-hand of the page. It is important to have this set up in order to help drive leads and conversions right from your page. To edit your CTA, click +Add a Button on your page. From there, you can choose the one more relevant to you. Facebook has many different options, including Call Now, Book Now, Shop Now, Learn More, Contact Us, and more.

Publish Your First Post

While it may seem counterintuitive to begin posting before you have a following, it is in fact a very important step. People aren’t able to engage with your page if there isn’t any content present, which makes it unlikely that they will follow you. Start with a welcome post that explains who your business is and what you do. From there, you should post regularly in order to keep people engaged. Share industry news, coupons, sales, or have a giveaway for followers only. No matter how often you post, make sure it is a mix of helpful information and self-promotion.

Invite Your Audience

If you used your personal Facebook account to set up your page, you will have the option to Invite Friends. This sends your personal friends an invite to Like your new business page. If you set up an entirely new account, you can use your website, other social media accounts, email marketing, or paid advertising to help build your audience.

Do you have additional questions about creating a Facebook Business page, or need help optimizing a current page? We are here to help! Gulf Coast Web has 25 years of experience in managing all types of digital design and marketing campaigns – even for companies outside of our immediate area. Our staff consists of highly-trained digital design advertising professionals who are both passionate about their jobs and excel at what they do. Contact us today to book a consultation with our team. We look forward to outlining exactly how we can help you grow your business with our digital media agency services.