5 Things That Your Website Might be Missing

Oct 29, 2021 | Website Design

For many business owners, building a website seems like a one-time investment that can run itself once it’s live. The fact is, however, that not only do websites require regular upkeep, just because you paid someone else to build your site doesn’t necessarily mean that it has everything that it should. From DIY site builds to fast-and-cheap budget website design firms, there are a lot of instances in which your site might not end up with everything that it needs to be successful.

At Gulf Coast Web, we’ve seen a lot of sites that were lacking in details which were important to both user experience and lead generation. Here are the top 5 missing components that many website designers miss.

An Immediate Statement About What You Do

We hate to tell you this, but if you assume that every visitor who lands on your site already knows exactly what it is you offer, you are wrong. From people simply surfing the web, to ending up on your site via another site, you’re likely getting a lot more somewhat random traffic than you realize. The first block of content on your site should outline what you do, or what you offer, in clear and easy-to-understand terms. This not only helps weed out irrelevant traffic, it also helps to reel in visitors who may have otherwise moved on to a competitor with clearer information.

Headlines that Capture Attention

There is a reason why websites are modeled after newspapers – a catchy headline works to draw readers in and make them want to know more. Many visitors will do a quick scan of your site, deciding in less than 10 seconds whether or not they are interested in your products or services. If they like what they see, they are far more likely to read more of your content to get to know your business better. Without headlines that have been crafted to grab attention, you’re likely to lose a lot of visitors to your competitors. 


Consumers these days have become increasingly more interested in information about the businesses that they patronize. They want to know who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them. All of this information can be addressed in a well-written About Us page, giving visitors the option to learn more about who they are doing business with. This is also a great spot to talk about any clean business commitments you have made, charities you support, or other social causes that you participate in. People love seeing the human side to your business, as these days they are just as interested in having a connection to a brand as they are in knowing the product or service will meet their needs.

A Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Your website exists to help you generate more business. So how are you supposed to accomplish that if your site doesn’t have a CTA? In fact, we recommend that each page on your site has a CTA in order to more effectively generate leads and conversions. It encourages visitors to engage with your site by signing up for a newsletter, requesting more information, or contacting your business to schedule an appointment.

The Right Amount of Content

In the past, businesses used to put thousands of words worth of content on their pages in order to try and get themselves on the first page of search results. And while this used to work back when Google and other search engines were still relatively new, these days their algorithms are so advanced that this isn’t necessary – and can actually hurt your quality ranking. Google cares less about length as they do keywords and user experience. The sweet spot for content is 500 to 750 words, with a keyword density of just 1-3 percent. Any more than that, and Google may think that you are trying to game their system and knock you down in the results pages in favor of sites that hit the “right” content formula.

Worried About Your Site? Hire an Expert

If you’re worried that your site may be lacking some or all of these components, GCW is here to help. With over 25 years of experience in managing all types of digital design, our team can conduct a thorough audit of your site to see exactly what is working, and what could be improved upon. Our staff consists of highly-trained web design and digital marketing professionals who are both passionate about their jobs and excel at what they do. Contact us today to book a consultation with our team. We look forward to outlining exactly how we can help you grow your business with our digital media agency services.