5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog

Oct 25, 2021 | Blog

If you’re a small business that doesn’t have a regularly updated blog, chances are that you weren’t interested in dealing with the added trouble of keeping up with a blog. From writing to editing, to publishing on a regular basis, and even the extra expense of hiring an outside content writer or firm to handle it for you, there are a lot of reasons why small businesses don’t have a blog. But what if we told you that having a blog doesn’t mean sacrificing more than a few hours of your time, or having to spend thousands of dollars on outside help?

The truth is that having a blog does either take up some of your time each week, or spending a few hundred dollars per month. And while this may seem like something you don’t want to or can’t manage, the fact is that the benefits of having a blog on your website far outweigh the annoyance of making it happen. Here are the top 5 reasons why we think all websites should have a blog.

Blogs Drive Traffic to Your Website

It’s no secret to most small business owners that the key to outperforming your competitors is to have a solid presence on Google search results – which can take years of careful and consistent planning to achieve. One of the best ways to help increase your search result rankings is by having a blog. Google prefers websites that are regularly updated, and reads your site for keywords in order to accurately categorize them for users. Fresh content with appropriate keywords is easiest to accomplish via a blog – and it can help boost your SERP ranking faster than any other SEO tactic.

A Blog Help Generate Leads

As your blog helps increase your traffic, you can also utilize it to help generate leads. Include at least one call-to-action on each blog, encouraging people to contact you, sign up for a newsletter, request more information, etc. CTAs are a proven way to increase lead generation, and each blog is another opportunity to appeal to visitors.

Blogs Cement Your Business as an Industry Authority

Blogs can do more than just drive traffic. They can also help establish your business as an authority in your industry. This means that users are more likely to come to you when they are searching for information or advice, which is another great way to drive leads and conversions. Accomplish this by answering common questions, discussing industry trends, and offering reviews or explanations about your products or services. 

A Blog Builds Brand Loyalty

In the last ten years, buying habits have shifted tremendously to favor brands that put time and effort into building brand loyalty. Blogs can help with building brand loyalty in the same ways that it establishes you as an industry authority. You can also help do this by encouraging comments/questions on your blog, and answering all comments within a day. While this may seem like a chore when you’re having a busy day, it takes no more than a few minutes of your time, and shows potential customers that you care about what they have to say.

Blogs Can Doubles as Social Content

We know that another area of your online presence that can be difficult to keep up with is posting regularly to your social accounts. But, much like with blogs, staying active on social helps to build an audience and boost your SEO. An easy way to make blogs do double-duty is to post them to your social accounts. Not only does this help keep your profile active, it also encourages your existing social audience to spend more time on your site, boosting your quality ranking with Google and increasing the chances of converting a lead into a sale.

Don’t Have Time for a Blog? Hire an Expert

The fact is that a blog is worth the extra investment. Whether you handle it on-site or hire the work out, a blog will help boost your SEO and leads, which can ultimately lead to more conversions – and give you a much-needed edge over your competition.

If you’re looking to have a blog integrated into your site, but don’t have the time to manage it yourself, GCW is here to help. Our team has years of experience in both blog management and blog writing, and will take the time to research relevant topics and keywords to ensure your blogs boost your SEO as much as possible. Contact us today to book a consultation with our team. We look forward to outlining exactly how we can help you grow your business with our digital media agency services.